Location: United States

Thursday, December 30, 2021

✨ End of the year reflections 🇫🇮

Happy Wednesday,

I'm popping into your inbox to say hei from snowy Lahti. 

We've had seriously low temperatures this week. Alongside the winter sleigh fun, we've been playing with a lot of playdough and card games. 

I don't have much to say in particular for this email, but at this moment, I do want to wish you a happy new year.

I'm grateful that you choose to read these emails from me. And if you've ever responded, just know that it means the world to me.

The sense of connection we share online is very meaningful to me. One sentence and a press of a send button can make a huge impact. 

This past year was the first one without my dad. I can truly say that without you, it would have been a much more difficult year. 

Looking back, I dedicated more time to my family, books, music, and walking into random art galleries (accidentally taking my granny into a really shocking exhibition made me regret the latter a little bit though).

These things and you have been there to support me throughout the year. Kiitos! What has supported you in 2021?

For next year, I have a few ideas up my sleeve, mainly making new quizzes for you and writing more. Let me know if those ideas sound good?

Be safe and take care. 

I'll talk to you next year!



Ps. This is a melting New Year tradition from Finland. Check out what I'm doing in this post

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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