Location: United States

Thursday, October 21, 2021

👀 Why doubts are your best friend (9 hrs left: 40% OFF special)

Sometimes you know when it's right...


I haven't seen you inside the Get Discovered Online course yet. 
So, I just wanted to check in and say it's 100% cool.

One of the most important revelations as a coach was when I understood that the most important job is to show my students where to look, not to tell what to see. 

I believe that there's a time and place for everything. It's literally an internal thing when you know that you need more support, new ideas, and a new plan. You just know. 

In my other courses, some of my best students have waited until the last minute before finally raising their hand and saying, "I'm ready. Let's do this."

And guess what? Those students brought some hesitations with them too. 

Here's the thing… You're not meant to join the course with all your work things figured out. Why would you need it then? 

Get Discovered Online is a place where you're supposed to bring all your stuff: 

• Your questions

• Your doubts 

• Your fears 

… and then follow the made-for-you system that helps you look for hidden job opportunities.

And you don't have to do it alone, because with the course you'll get access to our private LinkedIn group. 

So, if you make it into the course, bring all your baggage along. Plus that sisu of yours, I know it's there. I won't let you down.

If not, I look forward to being here for you just like I always am. 



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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