Location: United States

Friday, October 01, 2021

🍴What's your favorite savory Finnish dish? (NEW recipe)

Easy Karelian stew recipe is here... 

Hei there!

If you ask a Finn to tell you a traditional Finnish dinner dish, I bet they will say this: Karelian stew aka Karjalanpaisti, in Finnish.

This is THE most famous Finnish meal.

There was a survey a couple of years ago and when it comes to Finnish food, there was only ruisleipä (rye bread) that topped the Karelian stew.

So, with great pleasure, I'm sharing our Karelian stew recipe directly from my granny's kitchen. It has its unique twist to it. 

Besides this delicious hotpot, there are 3 other iconic savory dishes in my blog: 

Next, I was thinking about sharing a vegetarian dish? 

I would love to know, what's your favorite savory dish from Finland? Just hit reply and let me know. 

Have a lovely weekend and talk to you soon!



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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