Location: United States

Monday, October 18, 2021

⏳ Job webinar replay + 40% OFF special offer (End Thursday) 🎉

Hei there, 

We had such a wonderful time at the live Masterclass today. Here's the replay for you.

In the training, I show you a hidden job opportunity formula and share concrete tips when it comes to open and hidden jobs.

Here's what Netta sent me after the webinar: 

"As always you find a way of mixing your professional knowledge and demeanor with your personal kindness and charisma, and the result is captivating.

With the things you explained today you made me feel hopeful and optimistic about my dream of moving to Suomi.

Job hunting is sometimes anxiety-inducing, being that it might make you feel under-qualified or like an outsider as an expat or future-expat, but you gave me some angles and perspectives I was not aware of, and that calmed me down.

Kiitos from the bottom of my sydän.

I'm deeply grateful for all the thank you's and new students in Get Discovered Online course.

You see, only 25-30% of available jobs are actually made public in Finland. That means the majority of job opportunities are actually hidden. 

Get Discovered Online - 5-step formula to finding hidden job opportunities in Finland helps you with those. 

After this course, you'll know how to:

  • Make your LinkedIn profile attractive to ideal employers and the algorithm
  • Build your Finnish industry network (it's much bigger than you think) and know what it can offer to you
  • Be active and impactful online: commenting, posting, messaging, and reaching out.
  • How to increase your reach, grow your network and get people to say "yes" to your meet up suggestions

You can get my course for 40% OFF right now, only 59 USD (excl. taxes).

If you're in Finland, the course is about 64€ (VAT included) with this special offer. The system will convert the currency for you automatically. 

This offer is available until Thursday midnight EST. 

Check out the student testimonials and all the details on the course page

I'm here if you have any questions. 



Ps. Here's the free masterclass replay again. This replay is only available until Thursday midnight EST. 

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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