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Thursday, November 18, 2021

💥Sneak peek at Black Friday offer (+ huge Finnish language news)

Hei there!

I want to make sure you avoid this seemingly innocent learning mistake:

Learning Finnish doesn't need to be an all-you-can-eat buffet table. 

You know, vocabulary overload and endless grammar… You already have many things on your plate.

The Finnish language is a tool to get connected with the Finnish lifestyle.

Learn spoken Finnish if you want to be able to converse and understand what's happening around you. 

The good news? Spoken Finnish is a lot easier than standard Finnish.

Who cares if you didn't (just yet) memorize how to order food in Finnish? 

Through easy spoken Finnish, you'll know 

  • You NEVER have to remember the word 'please' because it doesn't exist in the Finnish language.
  • You learned that you can just point to the line on the menu and say a single word. 

My special Black Friday offer, Conversational Finnish for Beginners 40% OFF, makes learning spoken Finnish and discovering the Finnish culture fun and easy. 

This offer will be available on my channels next Monday, but you can grab it right now. 

Furthermore, I have something super exciting coming up next year for my beginner-level and advanced Finnish students...

I'm planning unique Finnish programs in Lapland that connect you to the local community and immerse you in spoken Finnish in real-life. 

This Black Friday offer is the best time to take action with your Finnish dream right now!



Ps. Opt-out from getting more information about this offer but stay on my email list? I got you, click here. 

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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