Location: United States

Friday, November 12, 2021

⚡Boost your Finnish with these 3 FREE resources

Hei there,

Can you believe it's winter already here in Lapland? We are enjoying the snow so much.

I wanted to ask, how is everything going with your Finnish journey?

To help you the best I can, I write down all the struggles and questions that our community has in a long excel spreadsheet (sidenote: I love spreadsheets). 

With language learning, there are 3 top questions that come up: 

- "How should I increase my vocabulary knowledge?"

- "How can I memorize Finnish words and phrases better?"

- "How can I manage learning Finnish grammar?"


To answer these questions, check out these 3 free resources: 

#1 Best Finnish Vocabulary Hack & 100 Word List (VIDEO & printable list)

#2 Learn Finnish Fast: 9 Tips to Improve Memorization (VIDEO)

#3 Finnish Grammar for Beginners (a blog post)


I want you to keep focused and motivated. With the right resources, you can do this!




Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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