Pong's word book

Location: United States

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

🇫🇮 How can I help you more with finding a job in Finland?

Hei there,

How is it going with finding job opportunities in Finland? 

I know you're not technically part of my work course 'Get Discovered Online', but I still wanted to check in and see if there was anything else I could do to help you feel more equipped for the Finnish work life?

  • Maybe you have questions I could answer during my next Instagram Live?
  • Or maybe you really wanted to join the Get Discovered Online but need a longer payment plan?
  • Maybe you wanted to skip the lessons and purchase a 1:1 coaching session?

Let me know!



Ps. Kicking yourself for not getting into Get Discovered Online? Go here, I'll let you in. 

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Thursday, October 21, 2021

👀 Why doubts are your best friend (9 hrs left: 40% OFF special)

Sometimes you know when it's right...


I haven't seen you inside the Get Discovered Online course yet. 
So, I just wanted to check in and say it's 100% cool.

One of the most important revelations as a coach was when I understood that the most important job is to show my students where to look, not to tell what to see. 

I believe that there's a time and place for everything. It's literally an internal thing when you know that you need more support, new ideas, and a new plan. You just know. 

In my other courses, some of my best students have waited until the last minute before finally raising their hand and saying, "I'm ready. Let's do this."

And guess what? Those students brought some hesitations with them too. 

Here's the thing… You're not meant to join the course with all your work things figured out. Why would you need it then? 

Get Discovered Online is a place where you're supposed to bring all your stuff: 

• Your questions

• Your doubts 

• Your fears 

… and then follow the made-for-you system that helps you look for hidden job opportunities.

And you don't have to do it alone, because with the course you'll get access to our private LinkedIn group. 

So, if you make it into the course, bring all your baggage along. Plus that sisu of yours, I know it's there. I won't let you down.

If not, I look forward to being here for you just like I always am. 



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

[24 hrs left] All questions answered: Get Discovered Online


I got some fantastic questions about the Get Discovered Online course yesterday. And I thought you might have some too. 

Most of my best students ask a ton of questions and I love it! It means they're committed. And commitment brings success.

So here are the top questions.

1. Don't I really need to be in Finland to find these job opportunities? 

No, you don't. For two reasons:

1) On LinkedIn, there are 1,5 million Finns amongst different fields. That number is huge when you consider that there are around 3,4 million working people in Finland. 

2) Finns have fallen in love with messaging online and online meetings (yep, I'll show you how to reach out successfully in the Finnish work culture).

2. How is this course different from free videos, blog posts and career webinars?

The above resources are fantastic for open job listings, but they don't teach you how to deal with Finland's hidden job opportunity culture.

Petra, the founder of Mastering Finland podcast, helps her community with career-related things.

This is what she said after going through the course: 

"It's impressive that Varpu again managed to create something that I haven't encountered before. I learnt so much about improving my online presence on LinkedIn that I had no idea about.

I have been applying all the knowledge from this course since day one, and it has slowly become a part of my professional life. I'm looking forward to seeing the impact of Varpu's approach on my online presence in the upcoming weeks/months.

I would recommend this course to people currently pursuing a degree in Finland, looking for a job or developing their professional communities."

You can find more testimonials on the course page. 

3. How much time will I have to spend doing the course? 

The course is self-paced and forever yours. You can start when the time is right for you. If you do the lesson challenges (and I really hope you do!), I'd say schedule about 7 hrs in total.

4. How much time will I have to spend on Linkedin to see progress?

You should schedule 1 hour per week for the activities I'm going to teach you to do.

When I'm doing my weekly activities on LinkedIn, they are so much fun for me. It really doesn't feel like work, even though the benefits have helped me a ton professionally!

5. Do I need to buy something else?

Nope, you don't need LinkedIn Premium or anything else. Furthermore, as this course continues to expand, you'll get all upcoming resources for free. 

7. What if I don't like the course? Can I get my money back?

I'm confident that Get Discovered Online is the missing link between you and Finnish work life. But just in case, you have a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you're nervous or curious about the quality of the course, click here to test-drive one of the lessons totally free. 

8. When does the special offer end?

Click here to join now. The 40% OFF launch offer, 59 USD (excl. taxes), is gone Thursday 21th October, at midnight EST. 

I know that with your sisu and Get Discovered Online, you'll make your Finnish dream a reality!

I'm here for you. Let me know if you have any additional questions. 



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

🚗 Take Get Discovered Online course for a test drive

Try a lesson in the course for free.

Hei from Lahti,

I know we've talked a lot about job opportunities over the last couple of days but I firmly believe showing is better than telling…

Also, one of my dear students wrote: "Thank you for masterclass. Now I know that I need to be on LinkedIn but how to know I'm doing it right?"

This is such a great question!

The lessons of Get Discovered Online don't go through a bunch of LinkedIn stuff you can learn anywhere.

They show you how to:

  • approach Finnish professionals so that it's a win-win for you both
  • build an online presence that people notice 
  • measure your actions - no need to wonder if your strategies are working or not

In Finland, people are getting discovered on LinkedIn all the time. Below is a screenshot by Markus in my network. 

Btw, the original post was in Finnish, the translation tool is fantastic!

Are you wondering how does the course feel? 

I unlocked the introduction lesson in Get Discovered Online: "Why this course will transform your job hunt" so you can check it out. 

All you have to do to access this lesson completely free of charge is click on the video image below. No login or credit card info required. 

All the best


Ps. The 40% off special offer is still available but not for long. 

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Monday, October 18, 2021

⏳ Job webinar replay + 40% OFF special offer (End Thursday) 🎉

Hei there, 

We had such a wonderful time at the live Masterclass today. Here's the replay for you.

In the training, I show you a hidden job opportunity formula and share concrete tips when it comes to open and hidden jobs.

Here's what Netta sent me after the webinar: 

"As always you find a way of mixing your professional knowledge and demeanor with your personal kindness and charisma, and the result is captivating.

With the things you explained today you made me feel hopeful and optimistic about my dream of moving to Suomi.

Job hunting is sometimes anxiety-inducing, being that it might make you feel under-qualified or like an outsider as an expat or future-expat, but you gave me some angles and perspectives I was not aware of, and that calmed me down.

Kiitos from the bottom of my sydän.

I'm deeply grateful for all the thank you's and new students in Get Discovered Online course.

You see, only 25-30% of available jobs are actually made public in Finland. That means the majority of job opportunities are actually hidden. 

Get Discovered Online - 5-step formula to finding hidden job opportunities in Finland helps you with those. 

After this course, you'll know how to:

  • Make your LinkedIn profile attractive to ideal employers and the algorithm
  • Build your Finnish industry network (it's much bigger than you think) and know what it can offer to you
  • Be active and impactful online: commenting, posting, messaging, and reaching out.
  • How to increase your reach, grow your network and get people to say "yes" to your meet up suggestions

You can get my course for 40% OFF right now, only 59 USD (excl. taxes).

If you're in Finland, the course is about 64€ (VAT included) with this special offer. The system will convert the currency for you automatically. 

This offer is available until Thursday midnight EST. 

Check out the student testimonials and all the details on the course page

I'm here if you have any questions. 



Ps. Here's the free masterclass replay again. This replay is only available until Thursday midnight EST. 

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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💥 See you in ONE hour at Job Masterclass (LINK IS HERE)


welcome to my free live masterclass in one hour! Woohoo!

It's in Zoom. 

>>> Here's the link to the webinar. <<<

The link will be also on my Instagram profile

If you have any technical problems, please reach out to jade@herfinland.com



PS. All attendees will be without camera and sound. Also, there will be a webinar replay sent to you, if you cannot make it.

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Sunday, October 17, 2021

💥 Job Masterclass LINK for tomorrow 🇫🇮

Happy Sunday and 

welcome to my free live masterclass tomorrow, Monday 18th October, 9 PM Finnish time (converter here)!

>>> Here's the link to the webinar. <<<

I'm so excited to help you with finding job opportunities in Finland.

There are 3 things that make me frustrated about typical open listings.

A) Not getting the job or even an interview 👎
B) Being alone with my laptop & having no support when applying. 💻
C) Not being in charge. I can only hope and wait. 🤷‍♀️

When you start looking for hidden opportunities, your job hunt becomes so much more fun.

You're actively seeking out opportunities that YOU find fascinating.

It feels so meaningful when you can help your network.

You can actually measure how you're growing your online presence. No need to wonder if your strategies are working or not.

In tomorrow's masterclass, we are laying a foundation for you. I will go through:

  • The differences between hidden and open job opportunities
  • Your secret advantage over other candidates (even though you may not feel like you have one right now)
  • The biggest mistake you can do on your CV and cover letter

I know we'll have an awesome webinar tomorrow, can't wait to see you there!




PS. If you're shy, no worries, all attendees will be without camera and sound. Also, there will be a webinar replay sent to you, if you cannot make it.

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Welcome to a LIVE Masterclass about Job Opportunities in Finland


How are you? I'm super excited because I'm making a LIVE Masterclass for you. Thank you for being on my Discovered Online VIP waitlist. ⭐️

In the Masterclass I will go through:

  • The differences between hidden and open job opportunities
  • Your secret advantage over other candidates (even though you may not feel like you have one right now)
  • The biggest mistake you can do on your CV and cover letter

This masterclass takes place on Monday 18th October, 9 PM Finnish time (time converter here). If you can't make it, there will be a replay. 

This webinar is completely free of charge and brought to you by my new course, Discovered Online - 5-Step Formula to Find Hidden Job Opportunities in Finland, that's launching on that same day.

You don't need to do anything to, I have already saved you a seat.

I'll send you the link closer to the date. 

Talk to you soon!




PS Have we already connected on LinkedIn? This platform will be super important to you. Follow Her Finland company page too. 

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Friday, October 01, 2021

🍴What's your favorite savory Finnish dish? (NEW recipe)

Easy Karelian stew recipe is here... 

Hei there!

If you ask a Finn to tell you a traditional Finnish dinner dish, I bet they will say this: Karelian stew aka Karjalanpaisti, in Finnish.

This is THE most famous Finnish meal.

There was a survey a couple of years ago and when it comes to Finnish food, there was only ruisleipä (rye bread) that topped the Karelian stew.

So, with great pleasure, I'm sharing our Karelian stew recipe directly from my granny's kitchen. It has its unique twist to it. 

Besides this delicious hotpot, there are 3 other iconic savory dishes in my blog: 

Next, I was thinking about sharing a vegetarian dish? 

I would love to know, what's your favorite savory dish from Finland? Just hit reply and let me know. 

Have a lovely weekend and talk to you soon!



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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