Location: United States

Friday, November 18, 2022

My favorite Finnish quote is this! What's yours? 💛

Hei there!

I love quotes, and that got me thinking... It would be fun to translate some Finnish quotes into English. So, that's what I did with this new blog post. There are 50+ Finland-related quotes here. 

One of my favorite quotes in Finnish is by poet Tommy Tabermann: "Without crazy dreams, no wise decisions are born." 

In Finnish it goes: "Ilman hulluja unelmia ei synny viisaita päätöksiä."

I'd love to know your favorite quote, Finnish or otherwise. Please just hit reply and let me know.

Have a lovely weekend and talk to you soon!


Varpu in snowy Lapland

Ps. Next week, I will make a fantastic Black Friday offer around my beginner-level Finnish course. If you have been waiting for a sign to start your Finnish journey, check out my email next Tuesday. 

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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