Location: United States

Saturday, October 29, 2022

We're moving to Ruka! + Lots of new blogs

Hei there,

How are you doing? Wow, the past few weeks have been full of activities for me.

It's been great being at events and bumping into many of our community members here in Finland.

I'm thinking about doing a Her Finland community meet-up with an online option. Does this sound interesting to you? Hit reply and let me know!

As you might know, networks (in business life especially) are crucial in Finland. In this new blog, I share all my networking tips regarding Finland. 

Lately, at home, I've been watching Bordertown again. That inspired me to blog about the city of Lappeenranta, where the show takes place. If you visit this town, you should try the local meat pie (there's also a vegan version). 

Finally... Snow, reindeer, and lots of great conversations coming up. This year our family will move to Ruka in Kuusamo for the entire month of November.

This autumn I've been helping the towns of Kuusamo, Posio, and Taivalkoski to design their area as a better place to live for everyone. The region is looking for 1000+ people to work there in the next 3 years in various fields.

You can follow our life there on my Instagram and Facebook stories, boarding the Lapland night train tomorrow.

Have a lovely weekend and talk to you soon!



Ps. Picture from Posio, where I was visiting Pentik and the studio of Miki, a Korean ceramic artist living there. Her owls will melt your heart. 

Ps2. Almost forgot! My shop has new crewnecks and designs such as Finland, Tampere, and Oulu.

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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