Location: United States

Friday, March 11, 2022

✨ 7 Finnish stereotypes by region: Ostrobothnia, Karelia...

Hi there,

How are you doing? It has been such a difficult time lately and I've been struggling with continuing everyday life. Maybe you too?

We talked about our feelings on Her Finland Instagram and Facebook. Sharing our thoughts and seeing all the love and togetherness has been so important, supportive, and healing.  

Recently, I have received many questions about the culture and people in different parts of Finland. So I wrote a brand new blog post about the different regional stereotypes in Finland.

There are the slow-spoken Häme people, the crooked Savo people, and the lively Karelians... these stereotypes are really fascinating if you ask me. 

Do you feel a connection to some region in Finland? 



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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