Location: United States

Saturday, April 16, 2022

🥳 Know these 15 Finnish holidays?


This weekend we are celebrating Easter in Finland and in two weeks it's time for 'vappu', the Finnish spring carnival. Both of these holidays include lots of funny traditions. 

I love learning about different cultures through holiday traditions, maybe you too?

That's why there's a blog post featuring all the public holidays and special days in Finland.  

I wonder if you know all 15 of them...

Also, on my YouTube channel, I have two new resources for you: 

If you liked my ancient gods & goddess post, you'll enjoy this video about Finnish names!

Besides the icy cold tips, I'll teach you how to carve the hole and key Finnish-English terms for this activity. 


Talk to you soon!



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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