Location: United States

Saturday, August 17, 2024

24H left ⏰ 30% Profitable Digital Product Starter Pack

Hi Yinpong,

I hope this message finds you well. 

I know life is busy, and time is one of our most precious resources.

With only 24 hours left to take advantage of the 30% discount on the  Profitable Digital Product Starter Pack, I wanted to address something. 

If you're hesitant because you feel you don't have enough time right now to do this... 

I understand. I've been there, too, standing on the edge of something new, wanting to take the leap but feeling held back by everything happening in my life.

So, I want to share a story with you, one that might resonate.

My grandmother loves gardening, and I have, for years, wanted to start gardening, too.

Naturally, my granny has heard me pondering over and over again. "Ooh, I wish I had the time to turn our yard into something beautiful, but my hands are full with work and family life."

So last autumn, during one of our morning calls, she gently confronted me: "With the time you've spent thinking about gardening, you could have already made good progress on actually doing it."

I replied, "I just don't have the time. I want to, but there's too much to do."

My granny smiled and said, "It's not time you lack, but belief. I think you want to do it, but don't believe you can make it as you envision it. Time is not your enemy—doubt is."

Wow... And so I started. Sadly, my granny passed away in November, but I know she is watching over my first steps. 

The truth is, we often tell ourselves that we don't have enough time.

But sometimes, that's just the outer layer. We want something, but we don't believe in ourselves that we will make it happen. But guess what: It's the belief that actually makes a dream turn into a reality. 

So, if you're hesitating, ask yourself: Is it truly about the time? Or is it about trusting in yourself to make it happen?

You are capable. You are so worthy of what you want. 

The Profitable Digital Product Starter Pack is here to guide you every step of the way so that you will cross the finish line: launch your digital product. 

The 30% discount is my way of helping you take that first step. 

Remember, a garden won't grow until you plant the seeds.

If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen the celebration of others doing it. You can do this too. 

Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. 

Wishing you the courage to believe,



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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