Pong's word book

Location: United States

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

🔑All questions answered: Finnish Culture Compass

Hei Yinpong

Learning about the Finnish culture online is such a new concept that I thought I'd share the questions my students had before enrolling.

Most of my best students ask a ton of questions... I love it. It means they're committed. And commitment brings success.

So here are the top questions I've got about Finnish Culture Compass.

1. But what if I'm going to feel silly? 

I know what you mean. The lack of in-depth cultural resources make us primed to believe that an online learning journey wouldn't be possible. But it is. 

I promise you're not going to feel silly. You're going to feel in tune. 

Plus, the fact that you are thinking about the silliness of it all tells me that you're in touch with your mind, heart, and guts (more about those in the course), and you're ready for this journey. 


2. What am I really going to get out of it?

I'm not going to teach you "how to be a Finn". If you felt like that, I would jump into the well (a Finnish expression :D ). You're awesome just the way you are. 

This course is your personal Finnish culture discovery. 

My second worst nightmare would be to make you fall asleep with information overload by giving you a one-sided lecture of Finland facts and cultural traditions.

That's why after completing the lesson challenges in your workbook, you'll get a personal video review of them. This course is a hybrid of both a course and online coaching in that way. 


3. Don't I need to be in Finland to do this course? I haven't visited Finland, I cannot do this course, right?

There are many students in this course who haven't visited Finland yet and loved the course. This course is a virtual jump to Finland. Just check out Gwen's success story on the course page.


4. Can't I just keep reading forums, free posts and watching videos? Why should I have to pay for something?

Most cultural resources online don't go beyond the tourist experience.

It's hard to piece together a working roadmap with all the scattered, one-sided information.

The Finnish Culture Compass system makes sure there's a clear roadmap for you. The lessons don't repeat a bunch of stuff you already discovered somewhere.


5. How much time will I actually have to spend doing the course? 

The course is self-paced and forever yours. You can start when the time is right for you.

If you do the lesson challenges (and I hope you do!), the bonus workshops + read Finnish Whisperer, I'd say you can schedule about 15 hrs in total.


6. Do I need to invest in something else with my Finland discovery journey?

Nope, when it comes to cultural discovery, there's nothing you have to invest in.

Furthermore, as this course continues to expand, you'll get all upcoming resources for free. 


7. What if I don't like the course? Can I get my money back?

I'm confident that Finnish Culture Compass is the missing link between you and feeling connected with the Finnish culture and communication style.

But just in case, you have a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

Write to me and let me know why this course is not right for you, and I will refund your investment.

If you're nervous or curious about the quality of the course, click here to test-drive one of the lessons totally free. 


8. How long is the offer available? What's the course link again?

Click here to join now and grab the 40% OFF offer. This special offer is available right now for my free cultural class students but it's subject to change because I review my offers on a regular basis. 


I'm here for you and you can tell me any additional questions you might have. 



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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🎉 Join FREE Finland Relocation Webinar this Saturday


Are you moving to Finland in the near future and wondering how to sort out the 999 practical & bureaucratic things you've got to deal with when you land?

I'm so proud to share that my friend and colleague Aleksi, from Aleksi Himself YouTube channel, will be launching a new course that helps you with ALL the practical stuff when moving to Finland.

I have been beta testing this course and oh boy, it's beyond helpful.

This Saturday Aleksi is hosting a FREE webinar at 7:30 PM EEST.

He will be sharing 9 concrete tips that make a smooth transition to Finland. After this webinar you will know:

  • clear steps on how to navigate through arrival paperwork & errands
  • the most important thing that will make your life SIGNIFICANTLY easier in Finland
  • the best way to find an apartment in Finland
  • and so much more!

I'll be hanging out in the webinar chat too, so make sure to say Hei!

Grab your spot in this free Finland relocation webinar now.

Can't wait to see you there :)



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Monday, July 26, 2021

🚗 Take Finnish Culture Compass for a test drive

Hei Yinpong

I received a great question about the Finnish Culture Compass course:

"I'm not sure if there would be much more information there than all the other wonderful information you have in your blogs etc.??"

The lessons of Finnish Culture Compass don't repeat a bunch of stuff you've already discovered somewhere. That's a guarantee. 

In my free content, I always provide helpful information, but there's only a certain level of depth I can capture in them. Furthermore, there's no roadmap or tools to expand on.

Let me show you so that you can be 100% sure and follow that inner voice telling you to try.

Take one of the lessons in Finnish Culture Compass for a test drive. It's about tapping into your sisu.

After this lesson, you'll know: 

  • a step-by-step technique on how to tap into your sisu
  • the one situation you never thought you might use your sisu
  • the common mistake people make when using sisu

All you have to do to access this lesson completely free of charge is click here. No login or credit card info required. 

All the best


Ps. Grab now the 40% OFF Finnish Culture Compass course offer I have for you as my student. 

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Saturday, July 24, 2021

🎲 Finnish culture fan? Take this tiny quiz

Hi Yinpong

I know you're fascinated by the Finnish culture, so here's a tiny quiz for you at the end of this email!

But before that, I'm pretty sure you will also find this next story, by my student Shannon, interesting...

"Because my hubby and I are both expats, we weren't sure if we should feel offended during our awkward encounters with our Finnish neighbors.

Before the Finnish Culture Compass course, I was feeling very unsure about the Finnish communication style, for example how to interpret the Finnish silence. The Finnish conversation flow is much different than the American style.

Now I feel so much more confident."

I know how that feels. My first expat experience was living in Switzerland. The first four months were one culture shock after another. I felt so disconnected and uncomfortable. 

It really doesn't need to be that way. With the Finnish Culture Compass course, the Finnish culture is as easy to approach as a warm, home-baked cinnamon roll.

Now, let's dive into the tiny quiz I promised you. 


Answer the following question with a yes or no response. 

  • Do you feel like a Finn at heart?
  • Are you scared of committing cultural faux pas in Finland?
  • Do you hope to someday live in Finland?
  • Is Finland a part of your heritage journey?

If you say "yes" to at least one of the following questions, you're going to love cultural learning with me. 

Come and take a look at the incredible 40% OFF Finnish Culture Compass course offer I have for you as my student!



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Friday, July 23, 2021

💌 Welcome + Finnish Culture Class link

Hei new student,

Let me congratulate you once more for taking this big step and beginning your Finland discovery journey, onnea!

Thank you so much for enrolling in Connect with the Finns cultural class.

You can access the class and its workbook at any time, here's the link.

Okay, soooo … I'm curious and I would love to know about your story. 

Let me tell you a little bit about myself first.

I'm Varpu (my name means 'a twig' in English) and I'm the founder of Her Finland.

I created Her Finland in 2018 with the goal of helping people around the world take action on their Finnish dreams.

I'm so grateful I can be my students' Finland fairy godmother. On official papers I write Finland online coach, MSc, though.

Here are 7 quick facts about me:
- My favorite Moomin character is Little My.
- I'm a 100% country girl.
- My favorite season is summer but autumn is a close second.
- My favorite weekday is Thursday because it's typically pancake day in Finland. 
- My favorite winter activity is skiing in the wilderness.
- My favorite movie is Forrest Gump.
- I am a chronic internet tab hoarder.

Your turn! I dare you to hit reply and let me know something about you. One sentence is perfectly cool in Finland ;)


Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Here's your FREE Finnish culture class

Just one click and you're in!
Hei there,

It's Varpu from HerFinland.com. 

I promise, after my Connect with the Finns cultural class, you'll feel much more at ease with the Finnish communication style. 

Click the button below to secure your spot in this class. You can watch it now or later.

Yes, let's do this!

If you didn't subscribe, just delete this email / report here. You are not subscribed until you click the confirmation button above.

Her Finland

Laaksokatu, Lahti

😹 Are you a hidden Finn? Take my new quiz and find out


hope you're well! How is your July going?

We have been enjoying the summertime by visiting: 

  • Kolovesi national park with a kayak. Hubby and I have a lifetime goal of visiting all the national parks in Finland. This was 10/40. 
  • My cousins in Orivesi, the Capital of Woolsocks in Finland. If you're looking for a new hobby, what about entering the annual Woolsock Run :D  
  • Beautiful Helsinki. The huge outdoor terrace in Kasarmitori marketplace is a summer oasis offering delicious treats. 

I'm also in love with the old books about Finnish mythology and folklore that I have found. Ancient spells, stories, gods...

I can't believe how much is still on display in modern Finland. Fascinating! I can't wait to dive into this topic with you this autumn. 

I have whipped up new content for you too: 

In my newest YouTube video, Jade and I talk about 5 cultural differences between the USA and Finland. We have lots of funny examples about food, communication, holidays and work.  

And then, drumrolls... I have made you a fun, quick quiz that helps you discover your hidden Finnishness. 

Are you ready to find out? Click here to take the quiz.  



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Thursday, July 22, 2021

🎬 Life in Finland vs. the USA (and a fun quiz!)


hope you're well! How is your July going?

We have been enjoying the summertime by visiting: 

  • Kolovesi national park with a kayak. Hubby and I have a lifetime goal of visiting all the national parks in Finland. This was 10/40. 
  • My cousins in Orivesi, the Capital of Woolsocks in Finland. If you're looking for a new hobby, what about entering the annual Woolsock Run :D  
  • Beautiful Helsinki. The huge outdoor terrace in Kasarmitori marketplace is a summer oasis offering delicious treats. 

I'm also in love with the old books about Finnish mythology and folklore that I have found. Ancient spells, stories, gods...

I can't believe how much is still on display in modern Finland. Fascinating! I can't wait to dive into this topic with you this autumn. 

I have whipped up new content for you too: 

In my newest YouTube video, Jade and I talk about 5 cultural differences between the USA and Finland. We have lots of funny examples about food, communication, holidays and work.  

And then, drumrolls... I have made you a fun, quick quiz that helps you discover your hidden Finnishness. 

Are you ready to find out? Click here to take the quiz.  



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend