Location: United States

Friday, July 23, 2021

😹 Are you a hidden Finn? Take my new quiz and find out


hope you're well! How is your July going?

We have been enjoying the summertime by visiting: 

  • Kolovesi national park with a kayak. Hubby and I have a lifetime goal of visiting all the national parks in Finland. This was 10/40. 
  • My cousins in Orivesi, the Capital of Woolsocks in Finland. If you're looking for a new hobby, what about entering the annual Woolsock Run :D  
  • Beautiful Helsinki. The huge outdoor terrace in Kasarmitori marketplace is a summer oasis offering delicious treats. 

I'm also in love with the old books about Finnish mythology and folklore that I have found. Ancient spells, stories, gods...

I can't believe how much is still on display in modern Finland. Fascinating! I can't wait to dive into this topic with you this autumn. 

I have whipped up new content for you too: 

In my newest YouTube video, Jade and I talk about 5 cultural differences between the USA and Finland. We have lots of funny examples about food, communication, holidays and work.  

And then, drumrolls... I have made you a fun, quick quiz that helps you discover your hidden Finnishness. 

Are you ready to find out? Click here to take the quiz.  



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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