Pong's word book

Location: United States

Monday, September 09, 2024

I can't believe they asked me

Hei Yinpong,

I'm so excited to share that our community of Finland enthusiasts was featured on live national TV here in Finland! 

We are over 300,000 friends strong on social media and there are 18,500+ students in my courses. 

One of the points I made during the interview was about learning the Finnish language. 

It's a huge disservice that in Finland, we don't talk more about how much easier the structures of Spoken Finnish are compared to Standard Finnish. 

It often feels like we're making language learning more complicated than it needs to be. 

Language is a tool, and learning should be fun!

That's why I wanted to share two of my favorite blog posts:

Let me know your favorite Finnish word from the above articles. I'd love to hear it!



Psst... When you go on TV, I have a tip: Put vaseline between your lips and teeth. At least for me, as a physical reaction to nervousness, my mouth dried up completely, and my lips got stuck to my gums the entire time of the interview, lol!

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Thursday, September 05, 2024

Watch Passion to Profit Masterclass replay 🙌

Hei there, 

I'm so proud of you for taking action with your goals! 🔥

>> Here, you can watch my Passion to Profit Masterclass replay! <<

I'd love to know your biggest takeaway, so after you watch, reply and let me know! 





Psst... If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!🥰

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ready to stop ignoring the most important part of sales?👀

Hi Yinpong,

I will ruffle some feathers in this email *sassy Varpu has entered the chat*

I'm sick and tired of watching coaches buy into the lie that nailing "a hook" or "trending audio" will open the sales floodgates for them.

If selling were just about technical features, wouldn't everyone already be a millionaire?

Here's the thing:

As a business owner, your number one job is to understand the core desires of your ideal clients.

And I do not say this lightly—it comes with a big responsibility.

Understanding the deepest desires of your ideal clients earns you the right to 3x your sales.

Most of the time, your client will not say their core desire out loud. It's too embarrassing.

For example, in language learning, one core desire of my ideal client is to impress a Finn whose approval they seek. Maybe it's their Finnish girlfriend. Perhaps it's their father-in-law.

They want more love, more appreciation.🥹❤️

Incorporating core desires into your content (reels, stories, emails, DMs) will transform how you speak to your audience.

People buy from people who see them.

When I audit Instagram accounts, I can instantly tell whether the account addresses core desires or not.

Newcomers who have figured out the core desires of their ideal clients can experience seemingly illogical sales success (and it drives me nuts when people with a scarcity mindset say that their success must be a scam).

If you're ready to step into a new level of awareness and sales, this is my invitation to get my guidance and accountability.

My new 7-week group coaching program is designed to 3x your sales as you implement a proven sales system, shift your messaging, and reframe your content.

As you've probably gathered, this is not your basic Instagram growth course, where you pick hashtags for your posts or create quote Reels.

I'm looking for a few more beta testers who will get the program 50% OFF.

Join us today (the doors are closing)!

The program opens on September 9.

>>Check the details and see if you're a right fit for this program<<

This group will be on fire, let me tell you that. 

If you have any questions, hit reply and let me know!



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

This is how you can 3x your sales from Instagram

Hi Yinpong,

So great that you're already posting on Instagram! That's huge!

I often get this question: Isn't there huge competition in my niche? The answer is no. Hardly anyone is actually playing on the field; most people are just watching.

That's why I'm so proud of you, you're already doing the work.

And that's why it really isn't that hard to 3X your business. It's just following the right strategy. I want to invite you to take the next step. 

I recorded a mini-training for you:

🪄💎Instagram Sales Success Guide: 10 Mistakes to Avoid! - Watch Video

Here to support and celebrate your success with you!!🔥




Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Quick vote: How active are you on Instagram?

Hi Yinpong,

I've received many questions about how to create content that brings followers and sales for your business on Instagram.

To get more detailed help with that, vote below!

Click the option (A, B, or C) that sounds like you right now:

A) I am posting 4 or more videos per week on Instagram


B) I am posting 1-4 videos per week on Instagram


C) I am not posting videos at all on Instagram


Here to support you! 





Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Saturday, August 17, 2024

24H left ⏰ 30% Profitable Digital Product Starter Pack

Hi Yinpong,

I hope this message finds you well. 

I know life is busy, and time is one of our most precious resources.

With only 24 hours left to take advantage of the 30% discount on the  Profitable Digital Product Starter Pack, I wanted to address something. 

If you're hesitant because you feel you don't have enough time right now to do this... 

I understand. I've been there, too, standing on the edge of something new, wanting to take the leap but feeling held back by everything happening in my life.

So, I want to share a story with you, one that might resonate.

My grandmother loves gardening, and I have, for years, wanted to start gardening, too.

Naturally, my granny has heard me pondering over and over again. "Ooh, I wish I had the time to turn our yard into something beautiful, but my hands are full with work and family life."

So last autumn, during one of our morning calls, she gently confronted me: "With the time you've spent thinking about gardening, you could have already made good progress on actually doing it."

I replied, "I just don't have the time. I want to, but there's too much to do."

My granny smiled and said, "It's not time you lack, but belief. I think you want to do it, but don't believe you can make it as you envision it. Time is not your enemy—doubt is."

Wow... And so I started. Sadly, my granny passed away in November, but I know she is watching over my first steps. 

The truth is, we often tell ourselves that we don't have enough time.

But sometimes, that's just the outer layer. We want something, but we don't believe in ourselves that we will make it happen. But guess what: It's the belief that actually makes a dream turn into a reality. 

So, if you're hesitating, ask yourself: Is it truly about the time? Or is it about trusting in yourself to make it happen?

You are capable. You are so worthy of what you want. 

The Profitable Digital Product Starter Pack is here to guide you every step of the way so that you will cross the finish line: launch your digital product. 

The 30% discount is my way of helping you take that first step. 

Remember, a garden won't grow until you plant the seeds.

If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen the celebration of others doing it. You can do this too. 

Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. 

Wishing you the courage to believe,



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

REPLAY HERE💥 Praised Passion to Profit Masterclass

Hi Yinpong,

If you want to learn how to build a €100K online business that allows you to take a 3-hour lunch break on a random Tuesday and work remotely from an Airbnb in Kyoto, my highly praised Passion to Profit Masterclass replay is for you!

>>>>Passion to Profit Masterclass<<<<

I apologize if the link didn't work earlier, now this Masterclass is waiting for you!

I'd love to know your biggest aha moment from the Masterclass, please let me know. 

If you have any questions, I'm here for you!🥰



Ps. Are you kicking yourself for not grabbing the proven framework? Use this special coupon to join (valid until this Sunday)!

Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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