Pong's word book

Location: United States

Friday, July 28, 2023

TOP3 Finnish learning tips that unlock Finnish for you

Happy Friday,

And greetings from the cabin! I want to share 3 Finnish learning tips and resources with you today. 

#1 Finnish is the best way to get to know Finnish culture, so use that as an approach on your Finnish journey. Here are 50 hilarious phrases in Finnish and what they mean in English. 

#2 Feeling scared about Finnish grammar? Many of my students are. That's why my courses aren't a grammar overload. Start with taking in a grammar overview. The next steps will feel less daunting. 

#3 Celebrate all the quick wins. Learn a few of the most important words and give yourself a prize. How about a bubble bath or an episode of Bordertown? 

Next week, I'll throw a special Finnish language sale! I'm so amazed because there are 15 603 students now in my Finnish classes. I would be honored to help you, so keep your eyes peeled for next Tuesday. 

Do you have a question about Finnish? Hit reply and let me know!

Talk to you soon,


Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

😍 Guess who will be a proper teacher? + 20 cool things about Finnish education

Mid-July update, I turned 37 and went back to school! Coming from a family full of teachers, it was bound to happen, right?

As you might know, I have a Master's degree in Science. All my courses, I have designed co-creation methods with my community and a teacher team.

My unorthodox background has been a huge factor in creating praised, out-of-the-box tools for you to use on your Finnish journey. 

But being there for my students is a huge passion and something I want to dive into deeper.

So, last spring, I applied and was accepted to a vocational teacher program that leads to a formal pedagogical qualification. Next spring, I will have my license.

Life-long learning is something that I appreciate so much here in Finland. In my teacher group, there are fellow students both younger and older than me, and we all feel we are there at the right time in our lives. 

If something is calling your name, tap into your sisu and discover more about it! 

Have a lovely week!

Talk to you soon,


Ps. Inspired by Finnish schools, I have a new blog post for you: 20+ Cool Things to Know about the Finnish Education System

Ps2. Celebrating my birthday in Helsinki ⬇️


Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
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