Pong's word book

Location: United States

Thursday, September 23, 2021

🔥 You're onboard: Discovered Online - VIP Waitlist

Hei there,

It's Varpu here, just letting you know that you're on the VIP waitlist!

Can't wait to soon tell you more about the upcoming Discovered Online - 5-step Formula to Get Hired In Finland course. 

Here's the thing...

You don't need to be in Finland to maximize your job opportunities in Finland. You don't need to speak Finnish either.

Right now, let's connect on LinkedIn. This platform will be super important to you.

Here's my profile, please send me an invite to connect. 

Follow Her Finland company page too. 

Talk to you soon!



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend

Friday, September 10, 2021

💼 How ready are you to work in Finland?! Great resources here ✨

Want to maximize your job opportunities in Finland? 

Hei there!

Earlier I asked you what's the toughest part about finding a job in Finland. The results? 

The biggest pain point is how to market yourself for Finish employers online. How *exactly* should you market yourself?

To help you with that, I'm making you a course to maximize your job opportunities in Finland in 5 easy steps, wherever you are. 

>> Join the VIP waitlist <<


Finnish Workplace Quiz

Take this new, fun quiz and test if you're ready to fit into the Finnish workplace. I immediately got excited feedback about it...

"So fun and useful test at the same time!"

>> Click here to take the test <<


Magical Finnish Word List

I share a magical Finnish word list on my newest YouTube video. This isn't your average vocabulary list of hello, goodbye, and how are you...

These 100+ Finnish words might be the most important building blocks of Finnish, especially when we think about work-life. 

I hope you have a lovely weekend and talk to you soon!



Her Finland | Laaksokatu, Lahti
This email was sent to yinpong@gmail.com | Unsubscribe | Forward this email to a friend